My last holiday

My Last Holiday

I spent my last holiday in Biak, Papua. I went to Biak on Monday, December 23rd 2019 with my parents and my little sister. I left at 6 AM from Halim airport, and arrived at 4 pm Eastern Indonesia time which was two hours faster than Western Indonesia time. I spent the day for resting.

Second day in Biak, i went to traditional market called Bosnik Market. The market only open twice or three times a week. They sold various type of sea fish that we can't found it in Bandung, they also sold octopus, squid, and lots of vegetables that sold in the market usually. The sea fish price range are from 50.000 until 400.000 rupiah based on it size. In the afternoon, i went to Bosnik Beach. The beach was beautiful, clean, and also quiet. I played on the beach until sunset.

On the third day, i went to Karesi beach, the beach not too far from Bosnik Beach. I went there by bus with my family, and also my father's friends. The beach was beautiful too same as bosnik Beach but Karesi beach has cliffs that usually climbed by local people and they was jump freely into the sea. I had climbed that coral cliffs, but i wasn't able to reach the top of the cliffs because it was too difficult for me. but, some of my friends was able to reaach the top so they jump freely like the local people did. And also there was a cave that had a water spring in it. And the local pepople, especially the kids were brought a bucket to take some water if the when the water was receding. 

On the next day, i went to Angopi beach. The trip to the beach took an hour by car. Angopi Beach had more visitors than the beach i had visited before. but my friends took me to the 'secret and private' beach, that can be reach by climbed the big coral and walked a little into the forest. The beach was very cozy, the waves were big, and there were several place we could jump off to the sea. i was jumped off from a tree with my friends. Even though at that time i was afraid, but i still tried and it was very fun. And my friend found some starfish. Next to the beach was a downstream of a river, the water was very clean and cold.

On Friday, 27th december my father back to work, and i spent the day for cleaned my house. The next day, my father's boss borrowed a ship from the regent and brought all member of the office to the Owi Island. The weather was cloudy and then it rained about half hour so we were waiting the rain to stop and board the ship.

Owi Island was an uninhabitated island. I saw beauty under the sea by swimming a little away from the beach. We also grilled fish and ate together in that island. It rained several times there and the last rain was brought two beatiful rainbow. I was very happy and it was the last time i went to the beach in biak, because after returned from Owi Island, my feet were injured and made me difficult to walk about three days.

Before 2019 was end, i went to Goa Jepang and World War II Monument and Raja Tiga. Raja Tiga was a coral beach and there were three big rocks that could be reached by walk on the sea. But, i couldn't cross the sea because we didn't bring clothes and didn't have special shoes to walk on the coral, also we only had a little time because we need to came to New Year's Eve Celebration.

On Thursday, 2nd January, I went back to Jakarta.  I was grateful and glad that I meet new friends and could explore eastern Indonesia even though I just visited some of the hundreds and thousands of other East Indonesian beauties.


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